You probably already do a lot when it comes to marketing. Online marketing is also hugely important for your organisation, and you collect just about every piece of data possible. For instance, you know already exactly how much time your visitors spend on your website and via which way they come in. To your mind, you can account for exactly how much you earn back on every euro spent. The picture is absolutely right. Although, almost... Call tracking helps you do that.
Because there is one thing that bothers, or rather fascinates you. While you have detailed insight into all the online traffic, a lot of conversion still takes place through incoming phone calls. For instance, appointments are made by phone and a large proportion of orders also take place by phone. You therefore have one big question: how many of those phone calls are actually due to SEO activities? The answer is easier than thought and comes in the form of call tracking.
What is call tracking?
Of course, good data is essential in any industry. With all the abundance of data, efforts are made as much as possible to assess the performance of campaigns and optimise them accordingly. Often, companies focus on online activities when doing so, and while that in itself is very understandable, we can't ignore the fact that this also leaves certain opportunities unexploited. With call tracking, you also include telephone activities and gain insight into the overall picture.
The word actually says it all: call tracking allows you to measure phone calls. With call tracking, you find out how many calls are coming in, but also gain insight into the channels and how long the calls take. As a result, you can better assess calls for their effectiveness and see whether keywords are converting in the desired way. In other words, call tracking provides data, valuable data.
How that works? By using forwarding numbers. That means nothing more than using tracking scripts that recognise exactly what the source is. If the online visitor comes from a source tracked through call tracking, they are shown a unique phone number. Other visitors are shown the default number. Because each visitor is given a unique number when it is transferred, it is possible to record exactly which way this visitor came in.
What can you get out of it?
There are few things as important as insight. By deploying call tracking, you know what works and what doesn't. You already knew that for your other SEO activities, but so now the link can be made to phone calls. Telephone marketing has traditionally been placed under the umbrella of offline marketing activities, but thanks to modern capabilities, this will be less and less the case in the near future. As a result, marketing budgets can now be spent even more efficiently, which is ultimately what it is all about: getting as much as possible out of every euro. Setting targets "at random" and judging results "by feel" is a thing of the past. From now on, every call is measurable.
What are the benefits?
Indeed, we live in a world where we communicate much more online. Nevertheless, people still pick up the phone to make a call as well. After all, almost everyone has a smartphone at their fingertips these days, which makes making phone contact much easier than before. By deploying call tracking, you get the most out of these campaigns. This manifests itself in the following benefits:
Conversion optimisation: This is everyday stuff: measuring results from marketing campaigns. These results in turn form the basis for subsequent optimisation. Do you deploy A/B testing for e-mail marketing or social media, for example? By using tracking numbers, you get even more out of A/B testing. In test A you put a certain number and in test B you put another number. Based on this, you measure which version generates the most calls. A/B testing can be incorporated into e-mails, social media statements and landing pages.
Keyword tracking: By using call tracking, you can see exactly which keywords are scoring. By attaching a certain ID number to each landing page, you can track which landing pages bring in the most calls.
Dynamic call tracking: this also measures session data. This not only shows you which keywords were used and via which page the caller comes in, but also which path is taken on the website. With dynamic call tracking, you can see which content was viewed before calling and the average session duration.
Preventing missed calls: Since you now know at what time most calls come in, you can take this into account in your planning. Increase your reach at peak times and avoid waiting times or customers being redirected to voicemail. After all, a missed call is a missed opportunity.
Improve service: you can also record all incoming calls via the call recording option. This in turn can improve the quality of customer service. After all, how employees handle the calls has a lot of impact on the utilised therefore these call tracking options.
Questions about this post? Or want to know how call tracking can be used for your business? Submit them to our online professionals down and we will be happy to help you on your way. Take contact on.