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How do you reach the right people on Instagram and Facebook? With relevant content. But how do you know what good content is? A content strategy for your social media helps you determine what content suits your target group. By matching your content to the needs of your guests, you will more easily attract more guests. With a good content strategy, you lay the foundation for rock-solid content!

content strategy what is your goal

Define the purpose of your content strategy

Start your content strategy with the right goal in mind. Do you want more brand awareness, more engagement from your guests or more reservations? Feel free to dream a little here. Do you want to be seen as the best Italian cuisine? Then you know what you have to do! 

Based on your objective, determine the story within your content. For example, for brand awareness, it is good to show as much as possible who you are and what you do. If you want more engaged followers, the content should trigger action, or at least reaction. And to get more reservations, entice followers with your offer. But a good name and lots of engaged followers also eventually lead to more reservations.

Know your guests

Describe your target audience as specifically as possible. So not only age, gender and location, but also interests. Find out what your regulars care about. Engage with them and ask what they need, what their goals are and what they are up against. 

Also look at which people are liking your posts on Facebook and Instagram. Which posts are catching on and which themes are popular? The better you know your ideal guest, the better your content will match their needs.

content strategy know your guest

A strong story

Good content starts with a strong story. What do you want to tell? Let your ideal guest be at the centre of your story. Because that's what it's all about: this is the hero, so to speak. What challenges or problems does your guest encounter? And how do you solve them?

Fixed themes

You translate this central message to all content. Work with 3 pillars here. These are 3 themes that your content falls back on every time, e.g. dishes, guests and staff. You don't always have to place content in the same order. Also include unique parts of your concept, such as a chef's table or an oyster bicycle.

How do you arrive at themes?

Do research. We mentioned earlier that it is good to get to know your guests. If you know what your guests are looking for, you can respond to this more easily. Besides, as a 'brand', you naturally have a story. Couple your story with your guests' interests and you have a perfect match. Of course, keep monitoring your messages to see if it really catches on in the way you imagined.

Hook up on holidays

In addition to your own themes, there are also general themes that you can tie in nicely with. Like national holidays. Or other days, such as taco day. Put these holidays in your content calendar so that you don't forget them. And keep an eye on current themes. Just make sure you always have a nice hook to your hospitality business. Relevance is key!

Get everything out of instagram feed annabel

Create relevant content

Now is the time to create beautiful things! Content comes in many forms. As long as it conveys information - with words, numbers or images. As a hospitality business, you stand out with good videos, photos and texts that are relevant to your guests. 

So, what should you pay attention to when creating content?

Professional photo shoot

Make sure you have good images! Invest in a professional photo shoot. This is well worth the money if you then actively use it. After all, your socials are really an online business card for your business. With beautiful images, you can convincingly convey the atmosphere and image of your restaurant or hotel. 

For example, have professional photos taken of the atmosphere, the interior, your staff, dishes and drinks. Provide inviting photos with smiling people. An empty interior is less likely to attract guests. 

A look behind the scenes with videos

Video is totally hot on social media. Reels are especially popular. But you can also put short videos in your stories. The advantage of video is that you catch the attention of your guests faster. 

In a short video, give a look behind the scenes. For example, show how to make a dish. Or give a tour of the special hotel rooms. This conveys the atmosphere of your restaurant or hotel even better than on photos. A great addition!

content strategy food photography

Storytelling and interaction

Write captions that match your content and tell a story about the photo. With storytelling, you include your followers in the story. That way, you'll pique the interest of new guests faster. Interaction is also important on social media. So don't forget this in your content strategy. Seek interaction by asking your followers a question. End, for example, with: "What is your favourite breakfast?" or "If you could only order 1 dish for the rest of your life when dining out, which would it be?

Hashtags and ALT texts on Instagram

When you create content, you naturally want people to see your content. A good way to get found is to use hashtags on Instagram. Research which hashtags are popular and make sure they are relevant to your business. 

Another way to be easily findable on Instagram is by adding ALT text. This is already a well-known way to make your website easily findable, but it is also becoming increasingly important on Instagram. You add the ALT text to a post via 'advanced settings' when writing your caption. Or if you want to edit an existing photo via 'Edit alternative text'.

content strategy hashtags

Commit to co-creation

If you have a small team, remember that you don't always have to create the content yourself. Consider using influencers to generate more awareness or sharing posts and stories from your guests.

Quick awareness with the right influencers

If you want to generate a lot of awareness in a short time, it is smart to work with influencers. These can be regulars or ambassadors who have a lot of followers. Like a true foodie who discovers the best restaurants. For example, ask this person to post messages and stories about your business on his or her account. Or come up with a fun action that drives the influencer. That way, you also reach the influencer's followers. 

Share content from your guests

Als guests tag your business in a story or post, share it on your own timeline or stories too. That way, your followers will see that your guests are enthusiastic about your business. There is no better social proof. And with this, your guests do the content creation for you! That in turn saves you time. 

content strategy influencer marketing

Schedule your content

Now is the time to send your beautiful creations out into the world. But how often should you actually post to get noticed properly? Our advice is to post something on your timeline at least 2-3 times a week. In your stories, it is good to be visible every day. Of course, these disappear again after one day and this way you are in view of your followers for a while every day. By posting regularly, you are more likely to get noticed.

Save time with a plan tool

We are often told that it takes so much time to create content. That's right! But if you do it in an efficient way, it goes much faster. For example, schedule a day once or twice a month to create content. Then schedule the content for the next month(s) via a scheduling tool, zoas SKED (paid) or Facebook Creator Studio (free). The advantage of Facebook Creator Studio is that you post both your posts on Facebook and Instagram from one tool.

content strategy content planning

Get more out of your social media with a content strategy

The basics are in place! With a good content strategy, your content is fully aligned with your goals and your guests' needs. You are now able to create rock-solid content. 

Need more inspiration for content creation? With these tips get the most out of Instagram. Would you rather spar with us for a while? We always enjoy that!





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