The route to your hotel starts online. As a hotelier, you are undoubtedly aware of this. So you need to make sure you are well found on the worldwide web. One way to do that is to advertise via Google Hotel Ads. And that is not the same as Google Ads.
We explain what Google Hotel Ads is, what the differences with Google Ads are and what you get out of it.
Google Hotel Ads impressions
You may have seen them passing by. When you search for a hotel in Google, among the regular search results and ads, there are also hotels with a picture, the price, a piece of text and the location on a map. These are ads from Google Hotel Ads.

Google Ads and Google Hotel Ads are not the same thing
Your hotel won't just show up here, even if you are already doing search engine marketing and creating ads in Google Ads (SEA). This is because Google Ads and Google Hotel Ads are different things.
Thus, any business can use Google Ads and create text ads and banners that way. Google Hotel Ads is specifically designed for hotels, as the name suggests. These ads therefore offer a potential guest much more information than a Google Ads ad.
Google Hotel Ads looks like booking platform
You could say that Google Hotel Ads is similar to an OTA, or booking platform like It allows a potential guest to compare multiple hotels and prices, and shows extensive information about rooms and amenities.
The beauty of this: a guest does not have to go to a booking platform site first to do this. He finds the results directly in Google. And let that be where most people start their search.

Higher conversion rate with Google Hotel Ads
So your hotel's visibility is increased with Google Hotel Ads. And also with a target group that is very specifically looking for a hotel. The conversion rate is therefore high. Higher than SEO or SEA, according to an international study by Google.
You keep your bookings in your own hands
The big advantage compared to an OTA is that you keep the booking in your own hands. A guest who finds you thanks to Hotel Ads eventually books through your own website. This saves you a commission that is often between 15% and 22%.
But that's not all. You also capture a wealth of data as a result, Which you can do very interesting things with again!
Cost for Google Hotel Ads
Of course, you do pay Google for your ad in Hotel Ads. Again, you can opt for a commission per booking, but at 5 to 15%, the rates are lower than with OTAs.
You can also choose to pay per number of clicks, regardless of whether or not there is a booking. You determine your bidding strategy yourself, just like with Google Ads. This allows you to participate with both a large and a small budget.
Can I ignore Google Ads now?
So can you stop your Google Ads ads? No, we don't recommend that. It's best to use them side by side. As we said, they are two different things.
For instance, Google Hotel Ads is designed for guests with booking intent. It gets you direct bookings, but only if someone is actually looking for a hotel. Hotel Ads only appear in search results if someone actually searches for 'Hotel Rotterdam'. Someone searching on 'holiday Netherlands' will not see Hotel Ads. While this could be a very important target group for you. You can reach them again with your regular Google ads.
Retargeting can only be done with Google Ads
On top of that, Google Ads allows you to 'retarget' potential guests. This means you can show people who have visited your website without booking another banner at a later date to win them over. This is not possible with Google Hotel Ads.
One reinforces the other
So it is best to use both types of ads together. Google Ads to increase your hotel's brand awareness, Google Hotel Ads for direct bookings. One reinforces the other.
My hotel is already among the results
Now your hotel may already be among the Google Hotel Ads results, without having done so yourself. In fact, booking platforms you partner with also advertise through Google Hotel Ads. This may make you think that advertising yourself is no longer necessary. But make no mistake. You still pay commission to the platform this way. So it's smarter to start using Google Hotel Ads yourself!

Getting started with Google Hotel Ads
Unfortunately, by default, it is not possible to create Google Hotel Ads campaigns in a Google Ads account. Google has allowed this feature only for intergration partners, The Fully Bookers is one such partner.
If you are curious about the possibilities, please take contact with us.