Let's face it: online marketing is quite a tricky world. Not everyone can get a clear picture of it, and we actually understand why. Of course, almost everyone knows that online marketing is used by just about every company these days, but when it comes to answering the why question, it immediately becomes a lot more difficult. Which is somewhat understandable, because online marketing is a very elastic concept.
Yet for a few years now, online marketing has taken on a life of its own within the field of marketing. While marketing as a whole is about marketing products or services, online marketing only grabs the internet as a marketing channel. What does an online marketing agency do? We are happy to explain.
The internet as a field of activity
Online marketing can actually be considered a collective name for the online activities that companies use to promote products, services, brands or entire companies. This makes it a part of marketing, but a very big part at once. Although most people can imagine it, the services of an online marketing agency remain somewhat vague. Not surprisingly, more and more people are asking: "what does an online marketing agency do?". Roughly speaking, online marketing agencies use the internet as a channel to bring your company, site, or products to the attention of your target audience.
Full-service online marketing agency
To achieve this, a combination of services is used with the aim of increasing website findability. Although these services each have their own purpose, they are part of a bigger picture and all use the internet as a channel. With most internet marketing agencies, the services can be categorised as follows.
- Search engine optimisation (SEO): optimising the website so that it gains a higher position within search engine rankings.
- Search engine advertising (SEA): deploying ads via Google Ads, for example.
- Social media marketing: Through social media, more transparency is ensured. Social media allows for customer interaction.
- Content marketing: the aim of content marketing is to attract visitors through relevant information rather than imposing information.
- Email marketing: sending e-mail newsletters to inform current customers or prospects about offers or other interesting information.
Search engine optimisation (SEO)
What does an online marketing agency do? The main goal of search engine optimisation (SEO) is to ensure that you achieve the highest possible positions in organic search results. In the Most cases, a search machine referenced to Google, but also Bing kan be included among them. To create a soige high position to be achieved, must be invested in the on-page: or in other words, all components on the website itself. So that means not only the web texts, but also the images, videos, urls, internal links and site structure. Oftewell, anything on the website can be used as an asset to ensure zorgen that Google ranks your site higher comes under the heading of on-page or on-site SEO.
This is all done on the basis of a keyword analysis that shows which search terms based on your target audience are interesting to focus your website on. The aim? To encourage Google to rank your website higher for certain keywords. And that is as tricky as it sounds. Because once on-site optimisation has taken place, it's time to market yourself through off-page SEO. In a nutshell, this comes down to getting referrals to your website. The more referrals there are, the more important your website is for a particular keyword. And that too is not easy. With SEO, we talk about a whole online marketing strategy.
Search engine advertising (SEA)
found on the zoak terms die for jold website interessant are namely via search machineadvertising (SEA). Indeed, in this case it is om Google ARev, ortewel paythe ads that should stimulate. Because you focus in SEO on the organic part and thus the free traffic, you will have to earn your place in de ranking. At SEA betaal you for dhe privilege and have je automatically more right of spreken.
Because search engine optimisation is an ongoing journey for the long term. After all, there are more websites fighting for the same high ranking and so it is quite difficult to fight yourself among them in the short term. Fortunately, there is a way to get instantStill, it meansent that does not automatically mean that you are at the top of verschijnt, as there are more advertisers vying for ad space. However, the advantage is that search engine ads can also be driven by ensuring campaigns that match youw needs and, above all, on your budget. However, that also means you need to be able to handle Google Analytics, which tracks campaign progress. After all, you can bid a lot more money for an ad than the competitors, but that will cost you all your budget in no time. The goal is therefore to ensure an ad that stands for a good ROI. In the end, you do need to bring in more money than is spent on it. An online marketing agency knows exactly what it takes to maximise ROI on SEA.
Social media
It is almost impossible to get away from social media, and in fact you shouldn't want to. Social media allows you to put an online face on your business. Whereas in the past many companies that were active online mainly struggled to gain the trust of their target audience, social media make you closer than ever before. This is because a presence on social media ensures that you are approachable by your target audience, thereby being transparent and generating trust. And by using social media well, you can also ensure that you attract more traffic and have conversion opportunities. An online marketing agency will help you flesh out your online identity. And perhaps more importantly, an online marketing agency can also take care of your social media ads through channels such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
Content marketing
What does an online marketing agency do? Among other things, it senses what the target group appealing and unappealing. After all, marketers are not appreciated by everyone and sometimes it can evoke associations with pusher salespeople who want to force one offer after another down your throat. Fortunately, the world of online marketing has caused a turnaround, and it is through content marketing. Indeed, in content marketing, push marketing gives way to pull marketing. What does that mean? That, above all, there is no more pushing, but rather visitors must be attracted. In other words, interest must be attracted and if you do this in the right way, your target group will automatically come to you. Content marketing is therefore a long-term project, just like the customer journey is, for instance. After all, you need to captivate, bind and then keep captivating.
How you do that? By sending useful information out into the world. Think of a handy online manual, an instructional video via Youtube, or an interesting blog article about a current topic in your field. In any case, it should be valuable content that attracts visitors to your website. And that is quite different from driving people crazy with intrusive pop-ups or other aggressive push messages. What does an online marketing agency do when it comes to content marketing? In the simplest case, they provide valuable content such as blog articles, but in the extreme case, they also provide complete content marketing plans.
Email marketing
With email marketing, the aim is to ensure repeat purchases in a relatively easy and inexpensive way. If all goes well, you already have an e-mail address database, and if you don't yet, you'll have to get one soon. After all, existing customers have gone through the entire customer journey and therefore already know quite a bit about you. Existing customers are a very interesting target group via upselling and there are few channels as practical as e-mail. A little online marketing agency knows exactly what it takes to sell via e-mails. And they can also tell you all about opening rates, click rates and conversions.
Contact our online marketing agency
Are you curious about what our online marketing agency can do for you? Then take contact on with us and our online professionals will be happy to tell you what we have to offer.